How To Make Your Blog Post More Valuable?

As bloggers, we all know that the ultimate goal of every blog post is that it should deliver value to the readers. So it’s should be very important that we learn to create valuable articles. Learning how to make your blog post valuable is not a daunting task and it can be done just by following few tips. The following tips will help you to make your blog post more valuable.
Valuable Blog Post Rich Blogger Guide
1. Put the reader first:
The purpose of writing is clear, sometimes persuasive, communication. It is not about you or your clever ideas. If you write to impress, you will distract the reader from the content. Good writing is like a store window. It should be clean and clear, providing an unobstructed view of the contents within.
2. Organize your thoughts:
You don’t need a detailed outline for most writing. But you do need to know what you want to say before you say it. If you’re comfortable with the sort of outline you learned in school, use it. Otherwise, simply jot down the important points you want to make and arrange them in the order you want to make them. Eliminate any ideas that are not directly related to these points.
3. Use short paragraphs:
Look at any newspaper and notice how short the paragraphs are. That’s done to make reading easier since our brains take in information better when ideas are broken into small chunks. In ordinary writing, each paragraph develops one idea and includes many sentences. But inblogging, the style is less formal and paragraphs may be as short as a single sentence or even a single word.
4. Use short sentences:
You should keep sentences short for the same reason you keep paragraphs short: they’re easier to read and understand. Each sentence should have one simple thought. More than that creates complexity and invites confusion.
5. Use simple words:
Since your purpose is to communicate and not impress, simple words work better than big ones. Write “get” instead of “procure.” Write “use” rather than “utilize.” Use the longer words only if your meaning is so precise there is no simpler word to use.
6. Be clear:
This may be the most important rule of all. Without clarity, your writing fails on every level. You achieve clarity when you accurately communicate the meaning in your head to the head of your reader. That’s difficult. Look at your writing with an objective eye. Consider what might be misunderstood and rewrite it. Find what is irrelevant and delete it. Notice what is missing and insert it.
If you want to learn more insightful blogging skills, I would recommend you to read Rich Blogger Guide. I have found this guide highly useful & valuable, which imparts you very essential information to become a high earning blogger.

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