The tool chest available to blog post writers is already full and practically bulging at its seams. While some of those tools can be a little confusing, most have wisely been designed for ease of use, power in distribution, and effectiveness in attracting the attention of the readers most likely to enjoy the content.
When thinking of easy ways to get the word out and having others share a blog post once it has been published, we should really start the conversation with the platform the post content is published on.
Content management systems, like WordPress for instance, have easy to use tools built in which make broadcasting a notice of post publication very easy. If using the services at, everything is in ones account waiting to be set up. Simply enter a Twitter user name, and/or a Facebook account, follow the authorization and security approvals, and in no time, all future published content gets a notification sent to those social media networks.
Even if one is self-hosting a WordPress installation, there are plugins which will provide the same functionality. The great thing about this approach to broadcasting the new publishing of post content is once its set up, it can be forgotten. All of ones friends and followers immediately see a tweet or wall posting that new content is ready for their consumption.
And WordPress is not the only CMS with these features. Most of the leading applications have some sort of similar built-in or add-on features that provide for easy broadcasting of the new blog post.
The post author can also install easy to use, click-able buttons for readers to share with everyone in their social networks as well. By adding buttons for Digg, Delicious, Stumble Upon, and wide number of other social media sites, the content owner provides easy, one click access to spread the news. This virtual word of mouth marketing allows the blog post to come to the attention of ever wider numbers of people otherwise outside of the original authors sphere of influence.
For those readers who might not be quite so socially inclined, having an “email this” button after the blog post content is a familiar way to allow them to share the post with one or more persons in their address book.
Understanding how ones audience communicates will help in the choices the author needs to provide their readers. If texting is a predominant channel of ones audience, why not add a “text this link” feature to the blog and make it easy to send out the post link to someone else’s smart phone?
Instant messaging, text messaging, email, social media are all effective online blog post sharing techniques. Don’t forget about the oldest but goodest, actual word of mouth communications. Keep the post title short, and an effective, short website address is one of the most used ways people can share news of new blog content.
The easier one makes getting the word out, the more readers will find their way to the content. Exponential growth should happen from this point forward providing the content warrants the interest of others.
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