Apple 's Non - Executive Chairman Lavinson

Members of the Board, after a long ten years ayapala the Non - Executive Chairman of the Arthur lebhinasana sedentary office. He appointed a new director of the Walt Disney 's President and Chief Executive Robert igara. Message of the AP in order to reveal information on the Careers Investor Today. On Tuesday, Apple's chief executive Tim Cook of the new scheme was announced in padayana. Beatty said, "lebhinasana added to the board since the company behind the development of 'excessive contributions' one. His insight and leadership in the Apple 's very valuable. The same with our employees and partners for advice and guidance on the time.
The Non - Executive Chairman of obtaining employment after presabijnaptite lebhinasana (61) expresses the exuberance of "I feel fortunate that we have a responsibility. Because Apple has always appointed the head of mankind, and sbapnabaja. In the end, I took my responsibility to increase it further. In fact, I'm very proud of. "
Inter alia, in the last month, Apple co-founder Steve jabasera premature - prayane open to the non - executive chairman of the item. This item is for a long time since Apple on Tuesday announced that the Board member Steven Arthur lebhinasanera.
Steven joined the board in the 000 and 005 in the year, with Apple - Apple Inc. as chief director of the board position.

Born March 31, 1950 Arthur D. lebhinasana. About 197 in molecular biology siksajibane biesa, in biochemical sciences from Princeton University in 1977, earned PhD degree.

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