Windows Seven Tips – Change the text Size on your computer screen

If you have problems with your eyesight and need to make your text size larger on your computer screen then its really easy on Windows Seven. If you increase the dots per inch (DPI) scale the text gets bigger and if you decrease the DPI scale its gets smaller. When you have smaller text you can fit more on your screen. Please be aware that if you do make your text size bigger there might be some items such as WebPages that might have items you can’t see on your screen. So in this case you would need to scroll to the right to see the rest of the webpage.

How to change the test size on your computer screen in Windows Seven

Note: Please be signed in as an administrator to do this:
  1. Go to the start menu at the bottom left corner. Open it.
  2. Choose control panel from the menu.
  3. In the control panel choose the Appearance and Personalization section.
  4. Then choose Personalization.
  5. In the left sidebar, click the link that says Adjust font size (DPI).
  6. The DPI Scaling dialog box will appear. See below.
  7. You can now choose Larger scale (102 DPI) – make text more readable. this will make the text bigger.
DPI text settings windows seven

 Notes on changing the text size in Windows Seven:

  • You can always come back and change the text size back to normal by choosing Default Scale which is the first option you see.
  • You can also choose to make your own custom DPI settings .

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