Chitika provides a photo of a product along with a rating and short description. This allows visitors to shift between various tabs in order to find the best deal, review or even to search for a completely different product.You can choose 10 different sizes for your ad block and then customize the color of the title, text, border and links so that they fit in with the color scheme of your blog.
The ad blocks show pictures that actually entice visitors to pay attention and click on the ad block.
Premium Ads allow a visitor to see products based on a keyword search they perform. This is based on regular users who have previously used specific keywords.
You have the ability to track the number of clicks and thus gain some knowledge about you’re the revenue you will earn with the program.
PayPal users receive a $10 bonus.
Some users report it takes a long time to be approved for a Chitika account.Most users of the service feel it is not good enough to replace AdSense but is decent enough to be used in combination with other blog monetizing programs including Google’s AdSense.
The program is designed for search engine traffic thus making it an ineffective tool for those whose websites or blogs get very little traffic from the search engines.
Advertising does not always show up thus preventing users from earning income from their blogs.
Some users report problems being approved and state there are better alternatives.
Overall Review
Like any program for monetizing blogs and websites, there is no one program that will work for everyone. It is important for blog and website owners to try different placements and thus discover what works best for their particular case. There are many different programs available, so you may wish to try a couple including Chitika in order to determine what works best for you based on the keywords visitors use to find you as well as the other ways visitors arrive at your site.
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