Nokia to Stop Using Symbian OS Till 2016

The most successful brand in cell phone, Nokia has finally announced that they will stop manufacturing their symbian phones by 2016. Nokia has also declared that N9 will be the last and the first handset with Meego platform.
Nokia along with Intel; leading chip maker together designed Meego platform. Viral Oza; Marketing director of Nokia said that they will no longer work with symbian after 2016.
No Doubt Meego was seemed to be Intel’s strategy for entering in mobile phone market. Mr. Oza also said that Nokia will continue to provide product life cycle management.
As we know that Nokia N9 has earned many praises from various mobile analysts but there are certain analyst who thinks opposite to it. Clinton Jeff; an analyst from ZOMG network said that Meego death has been officially declared by the company as they are not gaining much profit from these resources. Symbian Anna; the new version of Symbian has been used in two new models of nokia i.e. E6 and X7.
Nokia E6 has tough battery that has 2 month stand by time and continuous talktime of 14 hours. It has both a touch display and qwerty keypad. E6 also supports quick access to internet for communication purposes and can add upto 10 email id’s. E6 also has tie up with Microsoft message applications so that one can access to Microsoft exchange and sharepoint. Te phone is priced for Rs. 18,679.
And now coming to Nokia X7, this is a type of entertainment phone and comes with the facility of high definition games. Now lets see, how much Nokia touches the peak of success with these two models.

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