Friday, March 14, 2025

HP touchpad getting preloaded with Facebook Application

After long waiting time, finally official Facebook application is going to get launched with HP Touchpad. Everyone was waiting for the official launching of the Facebook application and finally it is done with HP’s touchpad. Such an Official application of Facebook was not even appeared on iPad, although Facebook was working hard on iPad’s application.
The official application of Facebook with HP’s touchpad will run on WEB OS bought with palm. News also came into existence that Apple will also launch its official App this week. However HP will become the first one to do so.
Everyone might be thinking that how it is possible that Apple will be going to launch its application while there was ongoing dispute between the two’s. Facebook has also clarified that Facebook application with HP has been made by the HP but not Facebook. Earlier Blackberry has also made an application of Facebook by using its platform; however that was not an official Facebook release.
Facebook application on HP touchpad
Preview of this Facebook application:
On the left side of the application, the main navigations will be messages, news feed, friends, place, photos and events. Although some of the features might get updated. This layout makes better use of images and typography. Another important thing is that news feed can be viewed from stream view and tablet compatible view.
Your Facebook photos will be displayed in tiled format. Profile will also highlight some of your friends Photos. Toggling between the wall, photos and info will be much easier.
If we analyze this leaked picture of Facebook application with HP, then we can conclude that this official application will be really worth of use and will make use of extra-large screen of the touchpad.
Now we can just hope that iPad also comes with this much brilliant features.

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