I had recently written an article regarding the facial recognition feature on Facebook. The facial recognition feature was recently introduced by Facebook on its website. While some of us who have a habit of uploading lots of images of friends and families will find this feature a relief but some of us will find it more of a headache.
Facebook facial recognition feature is enabled by default and this feature tells you the name of the person simply by recognizing the face of the person. If you had tagged the person earlier a few times and let Facebook remember the pictures and images of that person, then the facial recognition software automatically picks up the person and shows the person’s name to be tagged. This feature saves a lot of time spent while you need to type in the name of the person to be tagged. For people who like to tag lots of friends and family members, it is good for them as they have to do less work now.
On the contrary, for people like by brother who tags very less images it becomes an irritating feature. However, if you are also one like my brother, then here we have a solution for you. Just follow the instructions below and you can easily disable the facial recognition feature.
- Go to the Privacy Settings under Account

- Here, you will find the customize settings button, click it.

- Scroll down a bit on the next page and come to “things others share” and you will see “suggest photos of me to friends” and here click on the edit settings button.

- You will see that it is enabled by default and if you want to disable it, just click on to the disable button and your job is done.

I would recommend that even if you don’t want to disable this facial recognition feature then also you should try it out.
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