I) Ads You Allow on Your Site
Fewer or More – Which is Better?Some people say you should have fewer ads rather than more on a page, that the more ads you have, the more each ad has to compete with for clicks. This is an idiot’s approach to the problem. Of course each ad has more competition, but they are still YOUR ads. So you win even if the visitor clicks on the other ad.
Instead, the value of the click should be the comparison factor. What a click on this ad is worth compared to a click on each of the other ads. The competition is in losing money because of the presence of an ad that earns less per click and draws the visitor’s attention away for the ad that earns more.
The other factor to consider is whether that lesser earning ad might capture clicks from visitors that otherwise would not click on the better earning ad. If that is the case then perhaps you should replicate the ad under the same ad system that the better paying ad is run.
Do Not Be Ashamed of Ads
Some bloggers feel ashamed that they have ads on their pages and they try to distract attention away from the ads or blend them in with the content, which is usually a violation of the terms of agreement with the ad serving company. Do not be ashamed of them. Let them stand out and grab the visitor’s attention. After all, you get paid for them noticing the ads and clicking on them. If the ads are relevant to your page the visitor will be glad they clicked on that ad, not angry.
II) Ads You Run on Other Sites
ATO – the Hard Work of AdvertisingNow we turn to a cutting edge field related to SEO. Ad Text Optimization is a newly recognized discipline parallel to SEO and applies optimization to the text of ads. Only a few seconds of reflection will prove to you that this is a critical field to any advertising campaign.
ATO is important for better Click-through-rate. The more relevant the text is to the keywords that links the user to the landing page, the more likely the user is to engage that text and take action by clicking.
The higher quality score ATO imparts to the site is alone worth the efforts. Add to that the reduction in the CPA (cost per action) and the benefits far outweigh the time involved to employ ATO.
ATO involves the focus of your ad, writing text that is highly compressed, but easily comprehensible, testing the performance of versions of the ad, and watching for better ads from your competitors that you can imitate or improve on.
The Landing Page is the Greeting at the Door
Potential clients are more likely to become real clients the more that your landing page is relevant to the text ad they clicked on. If you also have special offers that do not look like you are trying too hard you may in fact get them to follow your CTA (call to action). The offers must be as relevant as possible to the content of the landing page and to the text of the ad they followed.
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