Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt+1 | Home Page |
Alt+2 | Your Profile |
Alt+3 | Pending Friend Requests |
Alt+4 | Inbox (messages) |
Alt+5 | Notifications |
Alt+6 | My Account |
Alt+7 | Privacy Settings |
Alt+8 | Facebook Fan Page |
Alt+9 | Terms and Conditions Page |
Alt+0 | Help Center |
Twitter Shortcuts
@username + message | Message to another user; Twitter saves in their replies tab. |
D username + message | Sends private message to another user’s device, which saves in their web archive. |
WHOIS username | Retrieves a profile from any public user. |
GET username | Receives that latest Twitter updates. |
NUDGE username | Remind friend to update status as to what they’re doing for you. |
FAV username | Marks a person’s last Twitter as a favorite |
STATS | Returns the number of your followers, how many you’re following, and your bio information. |
INVITE phone number | Sends and SMS invite to a person’s mobile phone. |
YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts
Spacebar | Play or Pause a video |
Left Arrow | Rewind |
Right Arrow | Fast forward |
Up Arrow | Increase Volume |
Down Arrow | Decrease Volume |
F key | Full screen view |
Esc key | Exit full screen view |
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