How to Download Apps to the iPhone.

So you have your new iPhone 3G but need to know how to download the apps to your iPhone? It's a pretty simple process to download both free apps and paid apps to your phone. Most people writing directions for "how to download apps to iPhone" assume that you have a username and password, I show how a complete novice can download apps. Follow the instructions below for easy downloading.


1. First you will need to create an account on the Apple Store website before you can download any apps. Follow the link below to take you to the sign up page.
2. When you sign up, you will need a credit card or payment information, even if you only plan on downloading free apps, it will still require this information. After you are done with this process, you should have a user name (email address) and a password. You will need these to download the apps.
3. From your iPhone, click on the App store button and scroll through to find the app, you want to install. If you're just looking for free apps for your iPhone, select "Top 25" and then "Free" apps.
4. Select the app, you want and hit the "free" button (if it's a free app), it will then change the "free" to "install". Click again to install. Here is where you will enter your user name and password. You should only have to enter your username once and your iPhone will remember it, but you will need to always enter a password to prevent just anyone from downloading apps to your iPhone.
5. nce your iPhone has started downloading the app, a status bar will show up to indicate how long it will take to download. Once it is complete, you can access your new app.

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