How to Automate the Disk Cleanup Tool in Vista.

The Disk Cleanup utility lets you clean up files you don't need that are taking up space on your computer. These can include Recycle Bin files, temporary files left by programs, hibernation files or a number of other files. If you forget to run this program on a regular basis, set the task to be run automatically so you don't have to worry about it. You can create the task to automate the program using the Task Scheduler program.

1. Click the "Start" icon on the Windows Vista taskbar to open the Start menu.
2. ype "task" into the Search field in the lower-left corner of the Start menu. Select "Task Scheduler" beneath Programs in the list of search results that appears directly above the Search field. The Task Scheduler window appears on the screen.
3. Click "Create Basic Task" on the right side of the program window beneath Task Scheduler (Local). The Create Basic Task Wizard dialog box appears on the screen.

5. Click in the field to the right of Name, then type a name for your task. Click in the field to the right of Description, then type a description for your task. Click "Next."
6. Select how often you want to automate the task. choices include daily, weekly or monthly, among many others. Click "Next." Based on your choice, you may also need to specify a date, time or any number of other details. Click "Next" after you provide the necessary additional information, if requested.
7. Select "Start a program," then click "Next."
8. Click "Browse" beneath "Program/script." The Open dialog box appears on the screen.
9. Select "cleanmgr" from the list of files that appears, then click "Open." Click "Next."
10. Click "Finish."

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